Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity
What is "Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever"

CardName: Stand Against the Dark Cost: {2}{W}{W} Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Cast Stand Against the Dark only during the declare blockers step. For each nonwhite creature attacking you, create a 1/1 white Townsfolk creature token that's blocking that creature. Exile those tokens at end of combat. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ulgrotha: Darkness Falls Forever Common

Stand Against the Dark
Cast Stand Against the Dark only during the declare blockers step.

For each nonwhite creature attacking you, create a 1/1 white Townsfolk creature token that's blocking that creature. Exile those tokens at end of combat.
Updated on 10 Mar 2017 by aether_tech

History: [-]

2013-02-12 03:57:40: aether_tech created the card Stand Against the Dark
2013-06-12 20:35:41: aether_tech edited Stand Against the Dark

Moved to common to swap with Image of the Godess.

2017-03-07 18:03:39: aether_tech edited Stand Against the Dark:

fixed wording, I think?

See Mirror Match:

Cast ~ only during the declare blockers step.

For each nonwhite creature attacking you, create a 1/1 white Townsfolk creature token that's blocking that creature. Exile those tokens at end of combat.

Aww, I was hoping for: "All attacking creatures are blocked by a 1/1 token until end of combat"



That would be a pretty hard to sale even for a reminder text, but maybe in the not-so-distant future.

2017-03-10 22:01:19: aether_tech edited Stand Against the Dark:

Fixed, thanks Tahz.

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