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CardName: Steelroot Avenger Cost: 2gg Type: Creature - Treefolk Pow/Tgh: 4/4 Rules Text: Trample If Steelroot Avenger would enter the battlefield from a library this turn. It enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counter on it. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Haith Rare

Steelroot Avenger
Creature – Treefolk
If Steelroot Avenger would enter the battlefield from a library this turn. It enters the battlefield with two +1/+1 counter on it.
Updated on 25 Jan 2013 by raggarn12345

History: [-]

2013-01-21 23:47:53: raggarn12345 created the card Steelroot Avenger
2013-01-21 23:48:02: raggarn12345 edited Steelroot Avenger

I wanted to make it as an answer to greens " Creatures with power less then names power can't block it. Like a mercifull druid who can't attack a when a brave young weak being is in the way!

Wouldn't you just activate this creature after you've already declared it as an attacker anyway? Besides the odd case where your opponent tosses a Shock at your druid as a sort of Holy Day, the area in the quotes doesn't really do anything.

One solution to the problem jmg points out would be to add a sorcery-speed restriction. But instead of that, how about:

> At the beginning of your upkeep, you may have ~ become a 4/4 Bear until end of turn. If you do, ~ can't attack this turn unless an opponent [etc].

2013-01-22 14:04:23: raggarn12345 edited Steelroot Avenger

cool, i see this as a really good sideboard card vs control decks which tend to have less creatures.

2013-01-25 13:49:47: raggarn12345 edited Steelroot Avenger

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