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CardName: Cake Mami Cost: w Type: Creature - Magic Girl Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Whenever a card is put into exile from anywhere, you may gain 1 life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Madoka Magi-ka Common

Cake Mami
Creature – Magic Girl
Whenever a card is put into exile from anywhere, you may gain 1 life.
Updated on 15 Oct 2012 by Alexander

History: [-]

2012-10-14 14:06:18: Alexander created the card Cake Mami

I know "exile matters" but it's still less common that casting a creature. To really make exile a theme of the set, I say be aggressive, and cost this at 1, instead of 2.

Kind of like Confessor? I really liked that card back in Odyssey. Ran him in a deck just as an incidental one drop. Later, I wathced as he answered Upheaval followed by Psychatog. I dropped a Plains then Conservator, and suddenly my opponent couldn't kill me with a Psychotog? What the heck?

Anyhow, I'm off on a tangent. I know there's the potential for this to be a little nuts, but I agree, it should cost {w}. Probably better to go with the natural casting cost.

@jmgariepy I was actually thinking of Soul Warden when I designed this card, but you're right, the standard for this kind of ability on a 1/1 is {w} so I'll change it.

2012-10-15 07:28:59: Alexander edited Cake Mami:

Changed cost from 1W to W.

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