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CardName: Shark of the Scar Cost: {4}{U}{U} Type: Creature - Shark Pow/Tgh: 3/6 Rules Text: Stockpile (When this creature enters the battlefield, you may exile a card from your hand, face-up, underneath this card. When this creature exits the battlefield, you may pay that cards costs to cast it.) When Shark of the Scar dies, shuffle up to X target instant, sorcery, or artifact cards from your graveyard into your library. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Envertol: Life's a Gamble Common

Shark of the Scar
Creature – Shark
Stockpile (When this creature enters the battlefield, you may exile a card from your hand, face-up, underneath this card. When this creature exits the battlefield, you may pay that cards costs to cast it.)
When Shark of the Scar dies, shuffle up to X target instant, sorcery, or artifact cards from your graveyard into your library.
Created on 25 Dec 2023 by Sorrow


2023-12-25 00:29:06: Sorrow created and commented on the card Shark of the Scar

Scar is in reference to the Scar of Tlihan. The shark swims in the shallowish waters between the pieces of land that remain from the destroyed continent.

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