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CardName: Ceremonial Garb Mannequin Cost: {2} Type: Artifact Creature - Scarecrow Pow/Tgh: 0/2 Rules Text: As long as Ceremonial Garb Mannequin is enchanted, Ceremonial Garb Mannequin has "{T}: Scry 2." You may attach Auras you own on the battlefield to creatures as if they were Equipment with an Equip cost equal to their mana cost. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Washikow Rare

Ceremonial Garb Mannequin
Artifact Creature – Scarecrow
As long as Ceremonial Garb Mannequin is enchanted, Ceremonial Garb Mannequin has "{t}: Scry 2."

You may attach Auras you own on the battlefield to creatures as if they were Equipment with an Equip cost equal to their mana cost.
Created on 22 Jan 2023 by Sorrow


2023-01-22 02:07:43: Sorrow created and commented on the card Ceremonial Garb Mannequin

I actually wanted the second ability to be {2} generic less than the mana value, so Angelic Destiny would have an equip cost of {w}{w}, but Rancor's cost doesn't get reduced.

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