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CardName: Guidance Trickster Cost: 3U Type: Creature - Spirit Advisor Rogue Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Flash, flying When Guidance Trickster enters the battlefield, copy target triggered ability you control from an enchantment source. You may choose new targets for the copy. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Washikow Uncommon

Guidance Trickster
Creature – Spirit Advisor Rogue
Flash, flying
When Guidance Trickster enters the battlefield, copy target triggered ability you control from an enchantment source. You may choose new targets for the copy.
Updated on 21 Oct 2022 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2022-10-18 22:17:09: Sorrow created and commented on the card Guidance Trickster

Based on Weaver of Harmony, I am unsure if this ability could be blue

If you based it on Weaver of Harmony, why not use the same wording? I feel, "from an enchantment source", makes it clear that the ability on the stack not the abilityprinted on the card is meant.

2022-10-19 12:34:57: Sorrow edited Guidance Trickster:

Used Weaver of Harmony's text as basis.

Fwiw, I meant that based my observation of Weaver of Harmony I was unsure if this effect is in blue's pie, not that the card itself was inspired by Weaver of Harmony.

I feel it works in both green and blue, but it really depends on the environment.

I'm not certain the set has enough enchantments yet to make this worthwhile in the first place. Blue has at least two Sagas, but one of them is a rare that itself copy other Saga abilities...

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