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CardName: Spirit-Eater Hydra Cost: 3GG Type: Creature - Hydra Nightmare Pow/Tgh: 5/6 Rules Text: Whenever a creature dealt damage by Spirit-Eater Hydra dies, exile that creature. {2}{G}{G}: Until end of turn Spirit-Eater Hydra gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creature types on non-Shapeshifter cards exiled by Spirit-Eater Hydra, and has protection from those creature types. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Washikow Rare

Spirit-Eater Hydra
Creature – Hydra Nightmare
Whenever a creature dealt damage by Spirit-Eater Hydra dies, exile that creature.

{2}{g}{g}: Until end of turn Spirit-Eater Hydra gets +X/+X, where X is the number of creature types on non-Shapeshifter cards exiled by Spirit-Eater Hydra, and has protection from those creature types.
Updated on 11 Oct 2022 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2022-09-21 12:31:52: Sorrow created the card Spirit-Eater Hydra

Intentional changeling hoser?

It also gets +billion/+billion if it eats a changeling. The unfinity card (blech) that cares about number of creature types makes sure to exclude changelings

Changeling won't be in this set, so unless there's reason to believe that this would hypothetically become a problem in an eternal format, I do not see strong reason to be concerned, unless this means that the total number of creature types in MtG must be accounted for if such a number already is not noted.

2022-10-11 00:19:25: Sorrow edited Spirit-Eater Hydra

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