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CardName: Nesting Grounds Cost: Type: Land Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Add {C}. {1}, {T}: Move a counter from target permanent you control onto another target permanent. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery. Flavour Text: Dappled coats become armored hides. Soft jaws become razor tusks. Nestling play becomes the fight for survival. Set/Rarity: Fall of Empires Uncommon

Nesting Grounds
{t}: Add {c}.

{1}, {t}: Move a counter from target permanent you control onto another target permanent. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.
Dappled coats become armored hides. Soft jaws become razor tusks. Nestling play becomes the fight for survival.
Illus. Ahmad Hilmi
Updated on 23 Jan 2021 by Aalterego

Code: UL02

Active?: true

History: [-]

2021-01-03 05:44:34: Aalterego edited Nesting Grounds

Only ever printed in Commander, this card could improve decks like Hardened Scales Affinity in Modern as well as some neat use cases in newer formats.

2021-01-19 03:36:55: Aalterego edited Nesting Grounds

Love the flavor text.

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