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CardName: Realm's Resonance Cost: {1}{U}{U} Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: This spell costs {1} less to cast if an opponent controls four or more nonbasic lands. Counter target spell. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Fall of Empires Common

Realm's Resonance
This spell costs {1} less to cast if an opponent controls four or more nonbasic lands.

Counter target spell.
Illus. Eddie Mendoza
Updated on 15 Jan 2021 by Aalterego

Code: CU06

Active?: true

History: [-]

2021-01-02 17:12:55: Aalterego edited Realm's Resonance

Part of the 'Realm' cycle. This is a new spin on the old classic 'Cancel with upside', it becomes Counterspell when dealing with decks with greedy manabases (especially those that ramp) that have become increasingly popular across all formats.

2021-01-06 05:29:26: Aalterego edited Realm's Resonance
2021-01-15 01:19:37: Aalterego edited Realm's Resonance

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