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CardName: Solidify Cost: 5UU Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Search your library for an artifact card and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library. Epic (For the rest of the game, you can't cast spells. At the beginning of each of your upkeeps, copy this spell except for its epic ability.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: From The Vaults Rare

Search your library for an artifact card and put it onto the battlefield. Then shuffle your library.
Epic (For the rest of the game, you can't cast spells. At the beginning of each of your upkeeps, copy this spell except for its epic ability.)
Created on 02 Dec 2011 by theunansweredquestion


2011-12-02 20:29:27: theunansweredquestion created the card Solidify

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