Suvnica dumping ground: Front Page

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Mechanics | Skeleton


Important context

The cards in this set are not meant to form a coherent whole. Most of them are either A) singleton/small sets meant to feature one potential guild mechanic B) cycles that may or may not be guild-based C) random cards connected to one or another potential theme that was floated for the set.


Tri-color themes

I'm noticing that there are certain clustering themes in my designs, and wondering if these can't be spun out somewhat.

­Colorless creatures is clearly a subtheme in the esper guilds. These guilds seem directly interested in the Kavnican colorless populace, either to teach and guide it (Suiroza), manipulate it (Rimid), or crush it (Zhavi).

­Fate matters seems to be a theme or subtheme of the Bant guilds, this is either negative (Suiroza) or positive (Kisme, Aynsele).

For the Jund guilds, a thread seems to be "power matters", either increasing yours (Gilrog) or gaining advantages from being bigger (Sokdar), this may be an indication that Grohm still wants this as an element of its mechanic.

I'm not clear about the Grixis and Naya guilds want to have as themes. It may be especially relevant to look at each shard's enemy color guild (the Tezzi ans Sorba in this case) for guidance, but neither current mechanics are very helpful there. The sorba mechanic (Dauntless) might, it turns out, want to be in {g/r}...

Currently, what I believe are my best designs for each guild. A significant issue is that somewhat too many of them are strictly creature mechanics. ­

Updated on 08 May 2015 by Circeus