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CardName: Island Cost: Type: Basic Land - Island Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: VGCube Basic

Basic Land – Island
Illus. Orioto
Created on 19 Feb 2018 by Mal

Active?: true


2018-02-19 06:42:15: Mal created and commented on the card Island

Bioshock (1). Probably will combine Bioshock 1 & 2, with maybe Bioshock Infinite as a separate nonbasic land. Big Daddys are cool, but I find Rapture itself a lot more memorable.

There aren't many other iconic Islands in video games. Monkey Island doesn't feel that {u}, and there's not much off the top of my head. Might use other water-based locations though. Swamps & Forests are another hard issue. Viridian Forest and Lost Woods come to mind as iconic, but they're hardly the most memorable part of each of their debut games. Other forested areas like Macalania Woods don't feel very {g}. Swamps will almost entirely be abstract.

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