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CardName: Shock and Awe Cost: 5RR Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Each player sacrifices five lands. Shock and Awe deals 5 damage to each creature and each planeswalker. Flavour Text: “...Be advised, nuclear detonation detected, fallout predicted within a radius of 7.4 miles, epicenter located at N-G-0-5-8-6-8-0.” Set/Rarity: VGCube Rare

Shock and Awe
Each player sacrifices five lands. Shock and Awe deals 5 damage to each creature and each planeswalker.
“...Be advised, nuclear detonation detected, fallout predicted within a radius of 7.4 miles, epicenter located at N-G-0-5-8-6-8-0.”
Illus. Raven Software/Activision
Created on 19 Feb 2018 by Mal

Active?: true


2018-02-19 06:22:56: Mal created and commented on the card Shock and Awe

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Another in-game screenshot. It's of the remaster, which is admittedly better looking than the original game. There's a lot of iconic scenes in the CoD series (Remember - no Russian, Press F to Pay Respects, etc.), but this is probably the easiest to make into a spell.

Basically bigger wildfire since there will be a decent amount of mana rocks.

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