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CardName: Dragonslayer Ornstein Cost: 4RW Type: Legendary Creature - Human Knight Pow/Tgh: 3/3 Rules Text: First strike When you cast Dragonslayer Ornstein, put a card you own named Executioner Smough from outside the game onto the battlefield. Whenever a Knight dies, put three +1/+1 counters on Dragonslayer Ornstein. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: VGCube Rare

Dragonslayer Ornstein
Legendary Creature – Human Knight
First strike
When you cast Dragonslayer Ornstein, put a card you own named Executioner Smough from outside the game onto the battlefield.
Whenever a Knight dies, put three +1/+1 counters on Dragonslayer Ornstein.
Illus. Ron Deseo
Updated on 19 Feb 2018 by Mal

Active?: true

History: [-]

2018-02-19 06:05:07: Mal created and commented on the card Dragonslayer Ornstein

"Hang on, Ornstein isn't human-"

Technically he's some sort of god-kin-esque entity along with Smough, but he's close enough to Human to classify as such.

Note that {w}{r} gets access to Smough's trample effect normally (because it's in {r}'s color pie) while {b}{g} gets access to Ornstein's first strike effect normally (because it's in {b}'s color pie). Smough's actual personality is a bit hard to pinpoint in lore, but I think he's some mix of Abzan colors.

2018-02-19 06:07:58: Mal edited Dragonslayer Ornstein

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