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CardName: Vedalken Spyglass Cost: 3 Type: Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Look at the top card of target opponent’s library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player’s library. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Melody Common

Vedalken Spyglass
{t}: Look at the top card of target opponent’s library. You may put that card on the bottom of that player’s library.
Updated on 04 May 2012 by M_Houlding

Code: CA11

Active?: true

History: [-]

2011-07-19 17:44:09: M_Houlding created the card Vedalken Spyglass
2011-07-23 03:32:07: M_Houlding edited Vedalken Spyglass
2012-03-23 17:56:10: M_Houlding edited Vedalken Spyglass
2012-04-11 01:30:23: M_Houlding edited Vedalken Spyglass:

Changed "target player's library" to "target opponent's library"; never meant to be a good card, but turned out to be excellent common card-filtering.

Hmm, really? Darksteel Pendant was okay, but wasn't that great.

Yeah, it may just be the circumstances of the set being much slower than something like Mirrodin, and the importance of hitting cheap spells to maximize the effects of Melody and Rhythm. I don't know. I'm also just doing Common playtests at the moment, so the introduction of more powerful effects may result in reverting to the earlier form.

2012-05-03 23:23:21: M_Houlding edited Vedalken Spyglass

Heh. I don't know what the card was like before the edit, but I was going to point out that "Fateseal 1" every turn on a {1} artifact was probably too cheap. I'd point to Wand of Denial, but I admit that that is a very old card, and can't be relied upon for modern casting cost evaluation. I do know, however, that if you play this on turn one, then two more on turn 2, that your opponent should lose that game, never drawing anything but land, or dead spells. Probably shouldn't be common at the very least.

2012-05-04 04:19:32: M_Houlding edited Vedalken Spyglass

Forgot to change the cost. This is supposed to be intentionally bad.

Reminds me of Crystal Ball, except fateseal rather than scry.

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