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CardName: Blossom-Clad Seductress Cost: 1B Type: Creature - Human Rogue Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Whenever Blossom-Clad Seductress deals combat damage to a player, if its the only attacking creature, that player discards a card. Flavour Text: Tea is the assassin's weapon. Wine is the spy's. Set/Rarity: Xianlu Uncommon

Blossom-Clad Seductress
Creature – Human Rogue
Whenever Blossom-Clad Seductress deals combat damage to a player, if its the only attacking creature, that player discards a card.
Tea is the assassin's weapon. Wine is the spy's.
Updated on 23 Dec 2017 by Mal

Code: UB02

History: [-]

2017-12-23 05:08:20: Mal created and commented on the card Blossom-Clad Seductress

Not sure if there's a rule about generic cards needing to be gender neutral, but I think I'm breaking it.

Not that I'm aware of. All enchantress are female by default obviously and then on the older card side there are at least two Sorceresses and one Priestess.

Question about the card: If I attack with three creatures, and the other two die in combat while this survives to deal the damage, will the discard trigger?

Unless the two died during first strike damage or before normal combat damage was dealt, no. Intervening ifs check on trigger and resolution - meaning that when the ability would trigger, state based actions haven't applied yet and the other two creatures are still alive with lethal damage marked on them.

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