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CardName: Appeaser Servant Cost: B Type: Creature - Imp Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: {1}{B}, {T}, Sacrifice a creature: Target player loses 1 life. You draw a card. Flavour Text: They dress in brightly colored silks, to help prevent accidental consumption by their demon masters during feeding time. Set/Rarity: Xianlu Uncommon

Appeaser Servant
Creature – Imp
{1}{b}, {t}, Sacrifice a creature: Target player loses 1 life. You draw a card.
They dress in brightly colored silks, to help prevent accidental consumption by their demon masters during feeding time.
Updated on 23 Dec 2017 by Mal

Code: UB01

History: [-]

2017-12-04 18:09:17: Mal created and commented on the card Appeaser Servant

Creature version of Vampiric Rites. Went through a couple iterations in my head, from smaller Gnawing Zombie to Disciple of Griselbrand among others. Settled on this for now because, like BFZ, the benefits for getting creatures in your graveyard or dying aren't that great (compared to Innistrad), and boards don't get as large (compared to M15). Just wanted a way to activate Bequeath at will to get abilities onto other creatures.

2017-12-08 00:37:27: Mal edited Appeaser Servant:

Gain 1 -> Target player loses 1.

2017-12-10 19:47:10: Mal edited Appeaser Servant:

1/1 -> 1/2. Spreading out P/Ts.

2017-12-23 05:21:44: Mal edited Appeaser Servant:

Type change to imp.

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