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CardName: Lineage's End Cost: 1BB Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Destroy target creature. Its death doesn't cause abilities to trigger. Flavour Text: "No student will succeed you. No apprentice shall avenge you. No son or daughter will mourn you. Your legacy shall be a handful of dirt." Set/Rarity: Xianlu Uncommon

Lineage's End
Destroy target creature. Its death doesn't cause abilities to trigger.
"No student will succeed you. No apprentice shall avenge you. No son or daughter will mourn you. Your legacy shall be a handful of dirt."
Updated on 16 Jan 2018 by Mal

Code: UB11


2017-11-22 21:48:15: Mal created and commented on the card Lineage's End

Safety valve for bequeath cards. All colors but Green have a way to death with problematic Bequeath cards at common or uncommon (that circumvent the usual method of destroying all creatures that you might want to put the abilities on first):

­{w} Emperor's Judgment ­{u} Typhoon Squid, Repulse the Monkey, Astral Shift ­{b} This ­{r} Rising Dragon Punch, Spiritual Combustion

2018-01-16 21:35:30: Mal edited Lineage's End:

Code change

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