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CardName: Unnatural Plague Cost: 1B Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Reflex {2}{B} (You may cast this card any time you may cast an instant for its reflex cost.) Nonblack creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Xianlu Uncommon

Unnatural Plague
Reflex {2}{b} (You may cast this card any time you may cast an instant for its reflex cost.)
Nonblack creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn.
Updated on 11 Jan 2018 by Mal

Code: UB09

History: [-]

2017-11-04 16:38:55: Mal created and commented on the card Unnatural Plague

One of the few tokens in the set. Doesn't have flying so its a little closer to Zombie Giant than typical Demon.

Sacrifice isn't part of the cost due to interactions with Bequeath, and flavor reasoning. Plus I am debating making another death-related mechanic maybe in the hypothetical second set.

IMO this could easily be a common. So maybe that's something to keep in mind if any of the current {b} commons are recognized as troublesome.

­Eunuch's Laughter is on the "probably should think about upshifting this" block, so I might swap that out. I'd like to keep tokens out of common though, so if I were to downshift this, I'd include it as a {3}{b}{b} creature that asks to sacrifice something on ETB.

2017-11-22 21:55:55: Mal edited Unnatural Plague
2017-12-04 18:12:06: Mal edited Unnatural Plague
2018-01-11 06:05:33: Mal edited Unnatural Plague:

Replacing with a Shrivel effect. Early game removal is fairly key, so this should provide another outlet for black to stabilize.

I don't undertand the flavor text.

Personally, since this has nothing to do with the card it was previously, I would have deactivated that card and removed its card code. Then created this card into that freed card code slot. That way you could still easily export the previous design to another set and/or slot if ever need be... Òh, this set doesn't seem to have the "active" option on...

The flavor text was one of those "way too late to do proper thinking" things. I'll remove it for now because it doesn't really make sense to me either.

@Tahazzar, that's definitely what I should have done. Will keep in mind in the future.

2018-01-11 16:46:35: Mal edited Unnatural Plague

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