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CardName: Silverhorn Demon Cost: 4B Type: Creature - Demon Pow/Tgh: 4/4 Rules Text: Silverhorn Demon can't be enchanted or equipped. Flavour Text: Elite servants of the Lei have silver or gold spikes implanted in them, to prevent any stray paper talismans from ending on their foreheads. Set/Rarity: Xianlu Common

Silverhorn Demon
Creature – Demon
Silverhorn Demon can't be enchanted or equipped.
Elite servants of the Lei have silver or gold spikes implanted in them, to prevent any stray paper talismans from ending on their foreheads.
Updated on 05 Dec 2017 by Mal

Code: CB10

History: [-]

2017-10-22 03:54:04: Mal created and commented on the card Silverhorn Demon

Hidden upside, since most of the Auras in this set are removal and there isn't that much equipment in this set.

Doesn't sound as nice but this could also be worded as:

Permanents can't be attached to ~.

I can't think of any scenario where it would be more beneficial, but it could be in the long run.

Oh nice, a sea of red comments. Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, someone else mentioned that to me as an alternative wording. I have to double-check to make sure that this wording is 100% okay in the current rules language; the only real difference is if you somehow turn this into a land and attempt to Darksteel Garrison it for some reason. Aside from other custom sets, of course. The main concern is whether or not enchanting/equipping = attaching intuitively when skimming the card. There's an extra mental leap that needs to happen when processing the card in the other wording, by way of attaching -> can't be enchanted -> enchantments don't work on this. If the current wording has some fringe issues or isn't supported by current wording, that's the wording I'll use.

2017-12-05 23:08:03: Mal edited Silverhorn Demon

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