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CardName: Seige Bridge Cost: 4 Type: Artifact - Equipment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Seige Bridge can be equipped to up to four creatures. At the beginning of each combat, if Seige Bridge is equipped to exactly one creature, sacrifice it. Equipped creatures have haste and get +1/+1 for each other creature attached to Seige Bridge. Equip {2} Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: The Way of Kings Rare

Seige Bridge
Artifact – Equipment
Seige Bridge can be equipped to up to four creatures.
At the beginning of each combat, if Seige Bridge is equipped to exactly one creature, sacrifice it.
Equipped creatures have haste and get +1/+1 for each other creature attached to Seige Bridge.
Equip {2}
Updated on 28 May 2016 by Glamdring804

Code: RA01

History: [-]

2016-05-17 21:14:01: Glamdring804 created and commented on the card Seige Bridge

What do you think?

Ooh... innovative. Does it become unequipped to all creatures it is equipped to when one dies, or no?

Well, bridges can keep going, so it stays equipped.

Should it have a minimum? I don't think one man can carry a bridge. Maybe "At the beginning of combat on your turn, if ~ is equipped to exactly one creature, sacrifice it" and move it to rare with an equip cost of {2}?

That works.

2016-05-18 00:15:00: Glamdring804 edited Seige Bridge
2016-05-28 18:36:10: Glamdring804 moved the card Seige Bridge from Words of Radiance into Miscellaneous
2016-05-28 18:38:05: Glamdring804 edited Seige Bridge
2016-05-28 18:38:22: Glamdring804 moved the card Seige Bridge from Miscellaneous into The Way of Kings

Note: This is thematically more appropriate in this set. This also sets a nice precedent. I want a mega cycle spanning the entire block, in which we include a non-weapon artifact in each set that is significant to the book's main character's character.

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