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CardName: Warcamp Apothecary Cost: {1}{G}{G} Type: Creature - Human Pow/Tgh: 2/3 Rules Text: Warcamp Apothecary enters the battlefield with an ointment counter on it. {T}, Remove an ointment counter from Warcamp Apothecary: Regenerate target creature. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: The Way of Kings Uncommon

Warcamp Apothecary
Creature – Human
Warcamp Apothecary enters the battlefield with an ointment counter on it.
{t}, Remove an ointment counter from Warcamp Apothecary: Regenerate target creature.
Updated on 21 Apr 2016 by Samuel

Code: UG02

History: [-]

2016-04-18 03:14:46: Glamdring804 created the card Warcamp Apothecary
2016-04-18 03:46:18: Glamdring804 edited Warcamp Apothecary

The named token seems odd for an uncommon, as named tokens are few and far between. Maybe have it enter the battlefield with a salve counter (also helps surgelands, I think a counters matter subtheme could be fun) and remove a salve counter to regen target creature?

Sure. That will work.

2016-04-18 20:37:12: Glamdring804 edited Warcamp Apothecary
2016-04-21 03:15:06: Samuel edited Warcamp Apothecary:

4/20/16: P/t from 1/2 to 2/3 for balance, to push small counters matter archetype. Closest precedent: Wolfir Avenger (this trades one power, flash, and repeatable regen for the ability to regenerate other creatures too.) Would consider entering with two counters if needed for balance.

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