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CardName: Moash, Defiant Bridgeman Cost: {1}{R} Type: Legendary Creature - Human Soldier Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Haste, first strike Moash, Defiant Bridgeman attacks each turn if able. Whenever a permanent you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, Moash deals 1 damage to that player. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: The Way of Kings Rare

Moash, Defiant Bridgeman
Legendary Creature – Human Soldier
Haste, first strike
Moash, Defiant Bridgeman attacks each turn if able.
Whenever a permanent you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, Moash deals 1 damage to that player.
Updated on 19 Apr 2016 by Glamdring804

Code: RR01

History: [-]

2016-04-13 02:18:56: Glamdring804 created the card Moash, Defiant Bridgeman
2016-04-18 21:00:57: Samuel edited Moash, Defiant Bridgeman

Looks good. Should this be {1}{r}?

I think it's fine at {r}, as without the second ability it wouldn't even be all that great for a rare (see Tattermunge Maniac for an example of this at uncommon, losing haste but playable in green or red). We might need to reduce the trigger damage to 1, though. Trying that.

EDIT: Or it could be {1}{r} and gain first strike. What do you think?

2016-04-19 00:29:46: Samuel edited Moash, Defiant Bridgeman

Yes, that would work better. Two free damage on turn 1 seems a little powerful.

2016-04-19 02:52:20: Glamdring804 edited Moash, Defiant Bridgeman

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