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CardName: Galadriel's Command Cost: 1UU Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Choose two— • Look at target player's hand. • Draw two cards. • Untap up to three target nonland permanents. • Target creature gets -4/-0 until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Khazad-dûm Rare

Galadriel's Command
Choose two—
• Look at target player's hand.
• Draw two cards.
• Untap up to three target nonland permanents.
• Target creature gets -4/-0 until end of turn.
Updated on 19 Apr 2016 by Samuel

Code: RU03

History: [-]

2016-04-12 03:34:55: Samuel created the card Galadriel's Command

When would you ever choose that last mode?

When you want to see if they can counter or remove your big finished in a control deck before playing it, I guess.

It's actually surprisingly useful in a blue combo deck. In control, though, I admit... it's more of a trap. Seeing if you have enough counterspells to deal with your opponent's threats is not as good as scrying to your next counterspell.

That said, at the very least, 'Look at target player's hand' should be the first thing on the list. That way you gain the information before choosing which permanents to untap, or choosing what to scry. Pity you can't choose a different option after looking... but them's the breaks.

As an aside, my inner Melvin would be happy to see the number two repeated 5 times on this card. In other words "Scry 2" and "Look at up to two target players' hands." Whether that's a wise choice remains debatable.

2016-04-13 23:30:08: Samuel edited Galadriel's Command

How's 1-2-3-4 for your inner Melvin?

I'll take that.

2016-04-19 20:24:14: Samuel edited Galadriel's Command

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