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CardName: Freezing Invocation Cost: 1U Type: Instant - Invocation Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Invoke (Exile this spell transformed as it resolves. As long as it remains exiled, you may cast the other side for its invocation cost.) Tap target nonland permanent. Flavour Text: Back side: CardName: Frost Invoker Cost: Type: Creature - Human Wizard Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: Invocation {2}{U}{U} (You may cast this card from exile for its invocation cost.) {u},{T}: Tap target nonland permanent. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Kaladesh Emancipated Uncommon

Freezing Invocation
Instant – Invocation
Invoke (Exile this spell transformed as it resolves. As long as it remains exiled, you may cast the other side for its invocation cost.)
Tap target nonland permanent.
Illus. khazuki
Frost Invoker
Colour indicator U Creature – Human Wizard
Invocation {2}{u}{u} (You may cast this card from exile for its invocation cost.)
{u},{t}: Tap target nonland permanent.
Illus. TomEdwardsConcept
Created on 30 Mar 2016 by Lavaridge

Active?: true


2016-03-30 03:36:36: Lavaridge created the card Freezing Invocation
2016-03-30 03:36:50: Lavaridge edited Freezing Invocation

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