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CardName: Tarflinger Ogre Cost: 4B Type: Creature - Ogre Warrior Pow/Tgh: 2/4 Rules Text: Deathtouch Flavour Text: An ogre's hunting grounds are identifiable by the lack of carrion, the boiling springs of tar, and the smell of burning flesh. Set/Rarity: Shootout Common

Tarflinger Ogre
Creature – Ogre Warrior
An ogre's hunting grounds are identifiable by the lack of carrion, the boiling springs of tar, and the smell of burning flesh.
Created on 03 Feb 2016 by Mal

Code: CB07


2016-02-03 17:31:26: Mal created and commented on the card Tarflinger Ogre

Worse than Ukud Cobra, but I'm okay with that.

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