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CardName: Tamiyo // Tibalt Cost: 3UU // 3BR Type: Sorcery // Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / // / Rules Text: Versus {3} (You may cast either half of this card for {3} less. If you do, an opponent may copy the other half and cast it without paying it's mana cost) Scry 3, then draw a card. // Destroy target artifact, creature or Planeswalker Flavour Text: "Ignoramus. If we pooled our knowledge, we might..." // "Don't call me ignoramus, poindexter!" Set/Rarity: Chains of Xel Rare

Versus {3} (You may cast either half of this card for {3} less. If you do, an opponent may copy the other half and cast it without paying it's mana cost)

Scry 3, then draw a card.
"Ignoramus. If we pooled our knowledge, we might..."
Destroy target artifact, creature or Planeswalker
"Don't call me ignoramus, poindexter!"
Updated on 28 Feb 2016 by Sidisi

History: [-]

2016-01-28 06:20:13: Sidisi created the card Tamiyo // Tibalt
2016-01-28 06:22:45: Sidisi edited Tamiyo // Tibalt

The Tamiyo side seems shockingly weak. Compare Ugin's Insight. I think it should be at least "draw two cards", perhaps even "draw three".

The problem with 'draw 2' is that the Tamiyo side becomes OP if you activate versus and have nothing for Tibalt to target. Pretty easy on round two.

It does read bad, though.

Versus should only be usable if both sides have sufficient legal targets, I think. Makes it a real drawback on stuff like this.

Dunno; it's a pretty limited and funny use to be a sorcery-only deck and use this to make an opponent blow something of their own up.

"Versus" says "may", so you never force the opponent to do anything. And if the heavy-blue deck is tapping out on its turn 2 without any artifacts or creatures for Tibalt to target, then that's a great chance for the opponent to cast a spell while the blue mana is tapped, right?

Versus cards are weird to design because of the variety of permutations to account for. You kind of have to think of this card as the Tibalt side, which can be a more versatile Hero's Downfall for 2CMC with the cost of letting your opponent cast the Tamiyo side. I don't think anyone would play this card to turn 2 cast Tamiyo for the scry and draw, but honestly then who would cast that side at all. These cards shouldn't be half useful so I don't love this design. Oh well, Versus is in the very rough stages I'm just playing around with it

Personally I'd just make Tibalt a damage and discard effect. He's associated with discard anyway, and it would have interesting interactions with the half of the card that draws while letting you strengthen the Tamiyo side.

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