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CardName: Riverlands Trapper Cost: 1U Type: Creature - Rabbit Scout Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Prowess Flavour Text: Among the wide-eyed, long-eared Kloma, there is a saying: "With enough tools, the predator becomes the prey." Set/Rarity: Shootout Common

Riverlands Trapper
Creature – Rabbit Scout
Among the wide-eyed, long-eared Kloma, there is a saying: "With enough tools, the predator becomes the prey."
Updated on 07 Feb 2016 by Mal

Code: CU06

History: [-]

2016-01-20 23:49:50: Mal created and commented on the card Riverlands Trapper

Pretty simple. Not sure how long this design will persist, but I intend there to be a fair amount of artifacts to be used in U/B and U/W.

Huh. Interesting problem that I never thought of before. I assume you think that Scry 1 is less powerful than looting. Maybe it is. All I know is that when I only have 2 cards in hand, I'd rather Scry.

I prefer Scry because its less abusable by graveyard shenanigans. I plan to include a decent amount of grave-based stuff in Black and Green, as well as some draw-based stuff in Blue and Green. Looting works well with both.

I feel like looting is generally more powerful as a tap ability because you can use the card immediately.

2016-02-07 06:45:18: Mal edited Riverlands Trapper:

Changing this slot. There are a lot of cantrips and combat tricks, so I figure adding a couple of prowess cards is probably a good idea.

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