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CardName: Remove Soul Cost: 1U Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Counter target creature spell. Flavour Text: As she waved her hands and chanted ancient words, Tarlan found himself in an out-of-body experience. Set/Rarity: Shootout Common

Remove Soul
Counter target creature spell.
As she waved her hands and chanted ancient words, Tarlan found himself in an out-of-body experience.
Updated on 06 Feb 2016 by Mal

Code: CU15


2016-01-20 22:42:06: Mal created and commented on the card Remove Soul

Remove Soul fits better than Essence Scatter :^). I initially intended for this to be a low-magic setting, but I've made allowances for some ancient magic in the world. Guns will still be the primary weapon of choice amongst most of the factions in this world.

2016-02-06 08:43:34: Mal edited Remove Soul

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