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CardName: Rushing Ford Cost: Type: Land - Island Mountain Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: ({T}: Add {U} or {R} to your mana pool.) Rushing Ford enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a legendary permanent. Flavour Text: Dimly Frodo saw the river below him rise, and along its course came a plumed cavalry of waves. Flames seemed to flicker on their crests and he fancied that he saw white riders upon white horses with frothing manes. Set/Rarity: Fellowship of the Ring Rare

Rushing Ford
Land – Island Mountain
({t}: Add {u} or {r} to your mana pool.)
Rushing Ford enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a legendary permanent.
Dimly Frodo saw the river below him rise, and along its course came a plumed cavalry of waves. Flames seemed to flicker on their crests and he fancied that he saw white riders upon white horses with frothing manes.
Illus. Richard Levangie
Updated on 24 Mar 2017 by Samuel

Code: RL04

History: [-]

2015-12-17 14:53:06: Samuel created the card Rushing Ford

Do these five dual lands need to be legendary? Also, are they too good to be fetchable? Should they not have basic types?

2015-12-23 15:32:26: Samuel edited Rushing Ford
2016-01-09 15:18:08: Samuel edited Rushing Ford
2016-01-14 04:11:36: Samuel edited Rushing Ford
2016-04-23 17:29:50: Samuel edited Rushing Ford
2016-04-27 21:14:41: Samuel edited Rushing Ford
2017-03-24 02:45:35: Samuel edited Rushing Ford:

Creature --> permanent

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