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CardName: Defenses of Gondor Cost: 1WW Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Whenever a creature attacks you, you may gain 1 life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Fellowship of the Ring Uncommon

Defenses of Gondor
Whenever a creature attacks you, you may gain 1 life.
Illus. dutchmilk
Updated on 15 Jan 2016 by Samuel

Code: UW11

History: [-]

2015-11-22 15:56:45: Samuel created the card Defenses of Gondor
2015-11-22 15:56:49: Samuel edited Defenses of Gondor

Is this balanced?

2015-12-31 01:29:27: Samuel edited Defenses of Gondor
on 31 Dec 2015 by Vitenka (unsigned):

Seems fair, less effective than reducing the power of all opponent's creatures by two.

I can't see that anywhere as a permanent though; so this might be too cheap. Oddly; as an instant; the ability lives in blue - with Turn the Tide and black Public Execution.

on 31 Dec 2015 by Vitenka (unsigned):

And I just realised what happens when you play a couple of copies of this against a black deck. No enchantment removal, no creatures can ever deal you damage again.

So maybe it needs to be legendary.

Considering that Orim's Prayer is a 4 star card in Gatherer, I'd say this is much too powerful. See also: Hissing Miasma.

2015-12-31 22:10:05: Samuel edited Defenses of Gondor


EDIT: Now a functional reprint of Orim's Prayer.

2015-12-31 22:13:33: Samuel edited Defenses of Gondor
2016-01-15 01:41:58: Samuel edited Defenses of Gondor

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