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CardName: Stonehide Troll Cost: 4 Type: Artifact Creature - Troll Pow/Tgh: 5/4 Rules Text: Trample {3}: Tap Stonehide Troll. Any player may activate this ability. Flavour Text: When exposed to sunlight, the trolls of the Ettenmoors turn to stone, destined never to threaten anyone again. Set/Rarity: Fellowship of the Ring Common

Stonehide Troll
Artifact Creature – Troll
{3}: Tap Stonehide Troll. Any player may activate this ability.
When exposed to sunlight, the trolls of the Ettenmoors turn to stone, destined never to threaten anyone again.
Illus. Gary Laib
Updated on 08 Apr 2017 by Samuel

Code: CA06

History: [-]

2015-11-08 03:10:51: Samuel created the card Stonehide Troll
2015-11-08 03:10:56: Samuel edited Stonehide Troll

What do you think about this as a way of fitting an artifact creature in? Does it feel forced?

2015-11-10 12:32:14: Samuel edited Stonehide Troll
2016-01-19 22:52:07: Samuel edited Stonehide Troll

You should downlink the images and upload them to your own online album (such as imgur or photobucket).

I think this site keeps (re)loading these broken image links which is why if you open the visual spoiler page of this set you notice a drastic rise in the browser's CPU usage. EDIT: Eh, nevermind that CPU usage rise also happens on my set's visual spoiler page.

2017-04-08 14:03:23: Samuel edited Stonehide Troll

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