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CardName: Cavern Pillager Cost: R Type: Creature - Orc Soldier Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Haste, Bloodthirst 1 Cavern Pillager attacks each turn if able. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Fellowship of the Ring Common

Cavern Pillager
Creature – Orc Soldier
Haste, Bloodthirst 1
Cavern Pillager attacks each turn if able.
Illus. Darkcloud013
Updated on 17 Jan 2016 by Samuel

Code: CR05

History: [-]

2015-11-05 00:09:26: Samuel created the card Cavern Pillager
2015-11-05 00:09:33: Samuel edited Cavern Pillager
on 10 Nov 2015 by Visitor:

A creature can't have 0 toughness; this creature would die as soon as you cast it.

on 10 Nov 2015 by Visitor:

Excuse me. As soon as it RESOLVES. Not as soon as you cast it.

on 10 Nov 2015 by Visitor:

Sorry. Didn't fully understand the Bloodthirst mechanic.

Our visitor is correct. Bloodthirst goes on the stack when the creature enters the battlefield. By the time the ability resolves, the Pillager would be long gone.

For what it's worth, it was a clever idea...

2015-11-10 12:30:43: Samuel edited Cavern Pillager

Bloodthirst is a replacement/static effect, not a triggered one, and this works the same way hundreds of past cards with "enters the battlefield with N counter son it" have for years. The creature doesn't die for the exact same reason that creatures from Rock Hydra all the way to Skyrider Elf don't.

However, I agree a common should always be castable without dying on the spot.

I'll keep it how it is now, then.

2016-01-17 03:46:07: Samuel edited Cavern Pillager

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