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CardName: Wolfsbane Cost: 4 Type: Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}, Sacrifice Wolfsbane: Choose one: • Turn target face-down creature face up • Turn target creature with morph face down. Flavour Text: “As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite.” —Severus Snape Set/Rarity: Harry Potter and the Gathering of Magic Common

{t}, Sacrifice Wolfsbane: Choose one:
• Turn target face-down creature face up
• Turn target creature with morph face down.
“As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite.”
—Severus Snape
Updated on 18 Aug 2017 by phoenixrising211

History: [-]

2015-08-15 19:12:53: phoenixrising211 created the card Wolfsbane
2015-08-15 21:29:20: phoenixrising211 edited Wolfsbane

Looks overcosted, for a Break Open/Backslide. But I suppose... ooh, it can sit on the table, threatening to turn up any of your morphs even when you're tapped out? OK, that's pretty cool actually.

It's not a Break Open because it can target your own morphs; Break Open can only target opponents' morphs. It's an easy distinction to miss. Wolfsbane lets you bypass the morph cost of one of your own morphs by paying {4} instead. Also, as you mention, it lets you threaten a bunch of shenanigans as you wish while tapped out.

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