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CardName: Hermione Granger Cost: 1WU Type: Legendary Creature - Human Wizard Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: Whenever an opponent casts a spell, scry 2. {W}{U}, {T}: Shuffle Hermione Granger and all noncreature cards in your graveyard into your library. Flavour Text: “They haven’t invented a spell that our Hermione can’t do.” —Rubeus Hagrid Set/Rarity: Harry Potter and the Gathering of Magic Rare

Hermione Granger
Legendary Creature – Human Wizard
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, scry 2.
{w}{u}, {t}: Shuffle Hermione Granger and all noncreature cards in your graveyard into your library.
“They haven’t invented a spell that our Hermione can’t do.”
—Rubeus Hagrid
Updated on 18 Aug 2017 by phoenixrising211

History: [-]

2015-08-13 02:45:59: phoenixrising211 created the card Hermione Granger
2015-08-15 20:55:34: phoenixrising211 edited Hermione Granger

I might have expected this to be "any number of target noncreature cards" rather than "all"? Restocking your favourite cards in Gaea's Blessing/Stream of Consciousness style seems more fun than getting a nonselective Reminisce.

That's...a really good point actually. I never considered that. I think I'll update the card next time I get the chance. Thanks!

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