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CardName: Nekheb-ta, Flood’s Kin Cost: 3{B}{G} Type: Legendary Creature - Crocodile God Pow/Tgh: 3/3 Rules Text: Intimidate {X}{G}{U}{B}, {T}: Each player puts the top X cards of his or her library into the graveyard. Until the end of turn, you may play a card with converted mana cost X or less from among them without paying its mana cost. Flavour Text: She has no name, but as the daughter of Nekheb, she will not be forgotten. Set/Rarity: Ma'at Breached 2.0 Rare

Nekheb-ta, Flood’s Kin
Legendary Creature – Crocodile God
{x}{g}{u}{b}, {t}: Each player puts the top X cards of his or her library into the graveyard. Until the end of turn, you may play a card with converted mana cost X or less from among them without paying its mana cost.
She has no name, but as the daughter of Nekheb, she will not be forgotten.
Updated on 08 Oct 2015 by 10vernothin

Code: RZ03

History: [-]

2015-07-20 04:14:25: 10vernothin created the card Nekheb-ta, Flood’s Kin
2015-07-20 04:14:46: 10vernothin edited Nekheb-ta, Flood’s Kin
2015-10-02 06:54:09: 10vernothin edited Nekheb-ta, Flood’s Kin
2015-10-08 18:27:42: 10vernothin edited Nekheb-ta, Flood’s Kin

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