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CardName: Rotting Mastodon Cost: 4B Type: Creature - Zombie Elephant Pow/Tgh: 2/8 Rules Text: Flavour Text: "True, the loss of its tusks to poachers is unattractive, but disregarding such otherwise beautiful carcass? That's just disrespectful." —Teliud, necromancer Set/Rarity: Ankheret Common

Rotting Mastodon
Creature – Zombie Elephant
"True, the loss of its tusks to poachers is unattractive, but disregarding such otherwise beautiful carcass? That's just disrespectful."
—Teliud, necromancer
Illus. Caleb Talmage
Created on 14 Jan 2015 by Berf

Code: CB10

Active?: true


2015-01-14 00:22:22: Berf created the card Rotting Mastodon

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