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CardName: Shabti Pacifist Cost: 1 Type: Artifact Creature - Shabti Pow/Tgh: 0/1 Rules Text: {t}: For each player, untap target land he or she controls. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Exodus Common

Shabti Pacifist
Artifact Creature – Shabti
{t}: For each player, untap target land he or she controls.
Updated on 19 Sep 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: CA01

History: [-]

2014-07-01 22:26:28: 10vernothin created the card Shabti Pacifist
2014-07-01 22:26:34: 10vernothin edited Shabti Pacifist

Wow. Better one-drop acceleration than Arbor Elf... at the cost of giving your opponent a little mana too. It's unfortunate that this can target your opponent's untapped lands, though of course she can tap them in response. But you can't say "target tapped land" because that'd make the ability unable to be activated if any one opponent has all their lands untapped.

I think this might be very, very good. But that's fine; having some Shabti playable is a good thing :)

2014-09-19 06:07:10: 10vernothin edited Shabti Pacifist

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