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CardName: Flash of the Occult Cost: 1WBB Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Destroy all creatures, then return each creature destroyed this way to the battlefield under its owner's control. Flavour Text: "Awe and fear is what we must inspire to the world. We must never let them forget what we are able to do." -Lord Herankhet, to his initiates Set/Rarity: Al-Weh'jed Uncommon

Flash of the Occult
Destroy all creatures, then return each creature destroyed this way to the battlefield under its owner's control.

"Awe and fear is what we must inspire to the world. We must never let them forget what we are able to do." -Lord Herankhet, to his initiates
Updated on 13 May 2014 by 10vernothin

Code: UZ02

History: [-]

2014-03-12 21:09:33: 10vernothin created the card Flash of the Occult

Ha! Amusing. It will do nothing if the only creatures on the field are vanilla... well, I guess it'll untap your creatures that attacked. But it's a universal Ghostway for anything with ETB effects, such as your marquee Force cycle of mythics; also functions as Brand, Aether Snap, and sets off a ton of triggers.

Two notes: 1) I think this is a bit more expensive than it needs to be. 2) It's pretty weird for this to destroy when it doesn't actually leave the creatures destroyed. Could this just exile them all and then return them to the field? (I guess this would also normally be rare, but I guess I could see it as a draft-around-me uncommon if {w}{b} have a theme of ETB effects, death triggers, or similar.)

I want to make it 4 CMC, but I feel like it'll be too powerful in what it does at uncommon. Black has a theme of ETB triggers while white has a theme of upkeep matters =P soooo

I'll try playtest it at 4 cmc and at instant

2014-03-13 15:27:17: 10vernothin edited Flash of the Occult:

now 1WBB

2014-03-13 15:28:35: 10vernothin edited Flash of the Occult

Though that just becomes a really expensive fog too. I guess "flash of the Occult" can also be "flashed" to scare creatures out of combat xD

2014-05-12 23:36:31: 10vernothin edited Flash of the Occult
2014-05-13 00:20:06: 10vernothin edited Flash of the Occult

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