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CardName: Cost: {4}{pR}{pR}{pG}{pG} Type: Legendary Creature - Dragon Berserker Pow/Tgh: 7/3 Rules Text: Flying, Provoke {1}{pR}{pG}: Target creature can't block this turn. {2}{pR}{pG}: ~ Loses flying and gains trample until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ravnica Invaded Rare

Legendary Creature – Dragon Berserker
Flying, Provoke
{1}{pr}{pg}: Target creature can't block this turn.
{2}{pr}{pg}: ~ Loses flying and gains trample until end of turn.
Updated on 21 Mar 2014 by Vonmarcus

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History: [-]

2014-03-12 16:27:20: Vonmarcus created the card Card31524
2014-03-13 03:48:55: Vonmarcus edited Card31524

Um. "Take 8 damage to deal my opponent 7 damage as a three drop... AND it can kill stuff AND it can be indestructible if I need it"? Way too good for the cheapness.

I mean, yes, you'll sucker people into over-using it and killing themselves; but just flat out "Turn sideways to kill opponent in three turns" is well worth 8 life. Making it resist removal (imperfectly) and remove their creatures (perfectly) at low or zero life cost (after all, you have at least 3 mana and some of it is probably green and red) is... yow.

I'm not even sure how to fairly cost this; but I'd start at 6 (real) mana and work up by adding unconditional lifeloss on top. Haste on a BIG flyer is format warpingly scary.

Yeah. I mean, Rorix Bladewing was an instant classic, was reprinted in Planechase, and is still very popular (4.1 stars on Gatherer). This is more powerful, indestructible, perfect removal for anything smaller than 8/8, and can land on turn 3? Just... what?

@ Alex Yes Rorix is a classic. On the other hand anything with Phyrexian mana is going to be very risky and powerful.

@ Vitenka After seeing considering your points I'm think of adding "when ever ~ deals damage ~ deal 3 damage to you." Also if you go all out with this card and use everything as soon as you can you leave yourself at 2 life and very much in danger.

@ folks as stated in card31517 the GW dragon in this cycle these will most likely be put into a commander type set. I will however tweak this a little.

2014-03-13 13:36:44: Vonmarcus edited Card31524

That's a sensible change.

I still fear this in EDH though. Turn 3, hit you for 7 general damage; turns 4 and 5 do the same and bam, 21 general damage, you're dead. I think the fundamental idea of a 7/3 flying hasty creature for 3 mana is a bad idea no matter what drawback you put on it.

2014-03-13 14:25:40: Vonmarcus edited Card31524

Swapped Haste for provoke. Both to slow it down and to encourage creature to creature combat. Also didn't use the ability I thought I'd would that I mentioned above. all these guys hurt you if you rush to use them extra damage to you seemed too redundant.

Much nicer. It's still a 7-power guy attacking on turn 4, but at least a single 3-power bolt or spider will deal with it.

I like provoke a lot, but it's somewhat redundant with the tap-to-fight ability. In fact it might be better to lose the tap-to-fight ability because players don't want to have to tap their 7-power flyers and so not get to attack with them; especially players who love dragons :)

Good point.... Any ideas for an ability to replace the Fight ability?

2014-03-13 16:18:58: Vonmarcus edited Card31524

"Target creature can't block" is a great choice.

I'd still really like to see this either lose a point of power or come down one or two turns later. Maybe convert a couple of the Phyrexian mana symbols to regular. It wouldn't be so bad if this could trade with whatever random 3/2 for 3 the opponent drops on turn 3, but it can just fly over the top without needing any more life paid into it.

2014-03-14 07:08:40: Vonmarcus moved the card Card31524 from Here Be Dragons into Ravnica Invaded
2014-03-14 07:14:03: Vonmarcus edited Card31524

This is likely the final version. To tweak the cost would mean changing the cost of the whole cycle and to change the power might also teak the whole cycle. (the whole cycle has a p/t that add up to 10) While this is the most aggressive one of the bunch it's also the easiest to kill. (the provoke + the ability to lose flying will let you nearly always throw this at a creature you need off the board even if this doesn't survive.

You could always have some elements of the cycle have the same P/T. Two 6/4s, two 5/5s and a 4/6, for example.

I still think the idea of getting a 6/4 or 5/5 for 3 mana is way, way too good. Perhaps Vonmarcus is imagining being the player casting this, but imagine being the player on the other side of the table, seeing this come down on turn 3? They might be within sane power limits if they all changed from {3}{pr}{pr}{pg}{pg} to {5}{pr}{pg}. Alternatively bring the total P/T down significantly; a 4/4 flyer for {3} and 8 life is... still much, much better than Illusory Angel and Illusory Demon, but perhaps within modern creature power limits for a mythic.

Back when Wizards printed drawback creatures, an X/X with evasion for X mana and X lifeloss seems to have been the standard: Foul Imp, Necrogen Scudder, Lava Hounds, Vampiric Spirit, Eviscerator, Dread Reaper. Of course Dread Reaper looks pretty bad by modern standards when mythics can be X/X for X mana and no lifeloss, so you can go a bit better than that. But 7/3 flying for {3} is still way, way too good. If your cycle requires it, you need to change the parameters of your cycle. It's like Lord of Tresserhorn but without any of the card disadvantage.

By the way, if you give these some ability that means they can't come down on turn 3 or 4, my objection disappears. Skaab Ruinator was huge for its cost, but the additional cost meant it was quite unlikely to come down on turn 3 unless you'd really worked for it.

Hmm ok I'll go point by point. First thank you for your constant in depth review.

Currently in the cycle are a 2 6/4's 2 5/5's 2 3/7's. The Cost will likely change by adding colorless mana to the cost. I still want these to be possible plays fairly early in the game. I'm waiting a little while to make the change though until I have more of the set fleshed out an have an idea of the tempo the set will have in general.

"Back When" was a very long time ago (seven core sets ago by your most recent reference). Which leaves very little of what is done power level wise today.

As stated above this will likely be changed down the road to be able to be cast 4th turn at the earliest.

2014-03-21 15:53:35: Vonmarcus edited Card31524

You're right that we don't have much reference for drawback abilities recently. There are a few recent cards in this area like Demonic Taskmaster, Illusory Demon or Necrogen Scudder, but they're uncommons, so a lower power level is expected than from a rare legendary Dragon. Phyrexian mana is a bit of an odd beast and hard to evaluate, so I could be wrong here too.

And you're right, Multiverse is a little paradoxical in that it's designed for people to create whole cardsets, and yet it lends itself to commenting on individual cards without taking into account the context of the whole set. I'll look forward to seeing what these are like once you've done another pass with more of the set in place.

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