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CardName: Mech Suit Cost: 1w Type: Artifact - Equipment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Living weapon (When this Equipment enters the battlefield, put a 0/0 black Germ creature token onto the battlefield, then attach this to it.) Equipped creature gets +2/+1 Equip {2} Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Viruna, War of Eras Common

Mech Suit
Artifact – Equipment
Living weapon (When this Equipment enters the battlefield, put a 0/0 black Germ creature token onto the battlefield, then attach this to it.)
Equipped creature gets +2/+1
Equip {2}
Updated on 22 Oct 2013 by MOON-E

Code: CW05

History: [-]

2013-10-08 02:18:10: MOON-E created the card Mech Suit
2013-10-08 02:18:42: MOON-E edited Mech Suit
2013-10-22 06:39:15: MOON-E edited Mech Suit:

Changed equip cost from {3} to {2}

This looks very cheap now. Given that Vulshok Morningstar is too good to print these days, and Riot Gear was perfectly serviceable in Limited; this is an Alpha Myr that also acts as a Trusty Machete. I don't think it's broken, but I think it's pushed.

This card is a bit pushed, we'll see if its too strong in testing. Since the number of living weapon (or equipment in general) is low at common I felt it was important to make sure the could have an impact.

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