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CardName: Bryce, Engulfed Cost: 1rr Type: Planeswalker - Bryce Pow/Tgh: /2 Rules Text: [+2] Return a creature you own to your hand. Bryce, Engulfed deals 1 damage to target player. [-1] Bryce, Engulfed deals 2 damage to target creature. [-5] You get an emblem with. " Creatures you control gets haste and can't be blocked except by two or more creature. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Iscandar Lives Mythic

Bryce, Engulfed
Planeswalker – Bryce
+2 Return a creature you own to your hand. Bryce, Engulfed deals 1 damage to target player.
-1 Bryce, Engulfed deals 2 damage to target creature.
-5 You get an emblem with. " Creatures you control gets haste and can't be blocked except by two or more creature.
Updated on 30 Nov 2013 by Patrik Andersson

Code: MR02

History: [-]

2013-09-11 13:50:26: Patrik Andersson created the card Bryce, Engulfed
2013-09-11 13:50:39: Patrik Andersson edited Bryce, Engulfed

Ah, here's a revealer. Solid; probably too cheap, but mythic and takes a while to go off so maybe not.

Yeah, that seems fine to me. Except that it needs to say what to do with the three cards after you reveal them. Put them back in any order?

2013-09-11 15:07:05: Patrik Andersson edited Bryce, Engulfed

Bah; I think it should just leave them revealed. Cards already cope with the top card of the library being revealed.

But yeah, as there's no reason to do that... This now frobbles the top of your library and so significantly empowers itself. (Reveal three cards, make sure the land isn't the top card; next turn do it again... Or use the second ability and know what you're gonna get...)

Which is kinda more blue than red. But that last ability is red.

2013-11-30 09:39:59: Patrik Andersson edited Bryce, Engulfed

Edited to work as a Energize planeswalker with a very dangerous ultimate.

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