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CardName: Elderwurm Form Cost: 3gg Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant Creature Enchanted creature is a 8/8 Green beast creature with trample. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Iscandar Lives Uncommon

Elderwurm Form
Enchantment – Aura
Enchant Creature
Enchanted creature is a 8/8 Green beast creature with trample.
Updated on 10 Sep 2013 by Patrik Andersson

Code: UG01

History: [-]

2013-09-09 17:09:06: Patrik Andersson created the card Elderwurm Form
2013-09-09 17:33:25: Patrik Andersson edited Elderwurm Form

Sensible costing compared to Gigantiform. (I assume from the rest of the cycle that "until end of turn" is accidental and not meant to be on here.) It's going to be very strong in limited, perhaps comparable with Overrun; more normally this power level would be rare. Since the rest of the cycle are uncommon I could see wanting to leave this uncommon. You might want to drop the power/toughness and mana cost a little, but I could also see wanting to leave this as the "green = fat" entry in the cycle. It might be fine.

Um - which is it; an enchantment; or until end of turn? Either seems like a fine spell.

I guess this is copying Gigantiform pretty directly.

I think the power will be okey. It will be without questioning the biggest creature in the set. But i think there are enough answers to take care of it.

2013-09-10 16:30:27: Patrik Andersson edited Elderwurm Form:
  • until end of turn.

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