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CardName: Elex, Elemental Experimenter Cost: 3ur Type: Legendary Planeswalker - Elex Pow/Tgh: /4 Rules Text: [+2]: You may cast a blue and/or red instant or sorcery card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your hand without paying its mana cost. [-2]: Elex, Elemental Experimenter deals 4 damage to any target and 2 damage to you. [-8]: You get an emblem with "Whenever an opponent casts a spell, that spell deals 2 damage to that player." Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Planeswalkers Mythic

Elex, Elemental Experimenter
Colour indicator UR Legendary Planeswalker – Elex
+2: You may cast a blue and/or red instant or sorcery card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your hand without paying its mana cost.

-2: Elex, Elemental Experimenter deals 4 damage to any target and 2 damage to you.

-8: You get an emblem with "Whenever an opponent casts a spell, that spell deals 2 damage to that player."
Updated on 15 Jul 2020 by amuseum

History: [-]

2013-03-27 07:47:13: amuseum created the card Elex, Elemental Experimenter

Elex is of creature type Elemental. He is both blue and red.

2013-03-27 08:03:51: amuseum edited Elex, Elemental Experimenter

That first ones a NICE mythic ability. It's shiny; it immediately lets you start thinking of evil ways to use it... And when it comes down to it, it's really just "have three mana to cast a spell with".

The -2 feels weaker; but probably isn't. It's kinda "Ok, don't have a kill spell in hand? Why not this one."

And the emblem is mighty; and very scary; and yet, in the end, is probably just "Each opponent takes 6 damage or so" which is just fine for an ultimate.

I hate planeswalkers. But this one, I can tolerate.

I like having the -2 cast Psionic Blast/Char :)

And I like the +2 as well. Fun and great for a spell deck without being overpowered. (It's possible development might tweak it to +1.)

The ultimate... feels like it might not do quite enough. I think it could go up to 3 damage or perhaps even 4 damage. Given that it's 3 turns in, from a 5-mana gold 'walker; and compared with the ultimates on Sarkhan Vol or Sorin, Lord of Innistrad or Vraska the Unseen, this feels lacking. (This feels more like the ultimate on Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, which was 4 mana and could go off the turn after you cast him.)

2020-07-15 23:32:49: amuseum edited Elex, Elemental Experimenter

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