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CardName: Hexdrinker Assassin Cost: BB Type: Creature - Bat Assassin Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Haste When Hexdrinker Assassin enters the battlefield, you may remove a counter from target permanent. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Hexdrinker Assassin. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Aethelu Reborn Uncommon

Hexdrinker Assassin
Creature – Bat Assassin

When Hexdrinker Assassin enters the battlefield, you may remove a counter from target permanent. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on Hexdrinker Assassin.
Updated on 12 Nov 2012 by UncleIstvan


History: [-]

2012-11-12 14:36:36: UncleIstvan created the card Hexdrinker Assassin

Heh; it's a vampire that drinks only +1/+1 blood (well, sort of - removing a -1/-1 from an undying creature onto this Perfection.)

It's... not very assassinate. Or hexy, really. I'm tempted to suggest it be made into a knight. Apart from that - I like it.

Yeah, the flavor here is a work in progress. In my file, this guy's working title name was "Planeswalker killer". And I felt like throwing in a "hex" somewhere in the name because of Hex Parasite and Vampire Hexmage.

Oooh, I didn't even notice he'd drink loyalty. I like that a lot. Especially with haste, he's a big "You didn't think I could kill your walker, did you?"

Doubly like him now.

2012-11-12 14:54:44: UncleIstvan edited Hexdrinker Assassin

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