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Planescape Set | Skeleton

CardName: Hive Tout Cost: 2W Type: Creature - Human Scout Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: When Hive Tout enters the battlefield, choose one: - Add a loyalty counter to target planeswalker you control. - Add a lore counter to target saga you control. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Planescape Uncommon

Hive Tout
Creature – Human Scout
When Hive Tout enters the battlefield, choose one:
- Add a loyalty counter to target planeswalker you control.
- Add a lore counter to target saga you control.
Updated on 10 Oct 2020 by JessWill


History: [-]

2020-10-05 04:34:48: JessWill created the card Hive Tout
2020-10-05 04:37:19: JessWill edited Hive Tout

I haven't even seen any Sagas in this set yet. Makes sense if it's a major theme. But making both Sagas and legendary big themes in a set comes quite close to historic already.

Is the idea to represent stories from different planes?

I intend to get to them. There is one mythic saga idea so far: Blood War.

Yes that is sort of the idea, or important planar circumstances like the Blood War, Faction War, and Modron March.

Also, the way I have things set up with themes, white has some "enchantment matters" going on and would probably get a little bit more sagas than other colors. Likewise blue and red would probably get more legendary instants and sorceries.

2020-10-10 01:30:38: JessWill edited Hive Tout

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