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CardName: Jin-Gataxias, Synthetic Primarch Cost: {3}{U}{U}{U} Type: Legendary Creature - Praetor Pow/Tgh: 4/7 Rules Text: Flash {U}{U}: Create a token copy of target nonland permanent your opponent controls. You may spend mana as though it were any color to activate any of that permanent’s abilities. Flavour Text: “When one’s ideas come to a halt, another’s ideas may forge new avenues.” - Jin-Gataxias, Synthetic Primarch Set/Rarity: Phyrexia: New Beginnings Mythic

Jin-Gataxias, Synthetic Primarch
Legendary Creature – Praetor
{u}{u}: Create a token copy of target nonland permanent your opponent controls. You may spend mana as though it were any color to activate any of that permanent’s abilities.
“When one’s ideas come to a halt, another’s ideas may forge new avenues.”
– Jin-Gataxias, Synthetic Primarch
Created on 25 Sep 2020 by Acheilus


2020-09-25 05:47:48: Acheilus created the card Jin-Gataxias, Synthetic Primarch

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