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CardName: Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines Cost: {3}{B}{B}{B} Type: Legendary Creature - Praetor Pow/Tgh: 4/5 Rules Text: Menace {B}{B}{T}: Target noncreature artifact you control becomes Compleat. It’s power and toughness are each equal to its converted mana cost. Flavour Text: “Hidden around us lie answers to our oldest questions, and new creations may reveal them to us.” - Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines Set/Rarity: Phyrexia: New Beginnings Mythic

Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines
Legendary Creature – Praetor
{b}{b}{t}: Target noncreature artifact you control becomes Compleat. It’s power and toughness are each equal to its converted mana cost.
“Hidden around us lie answers to our oldest questions, and new creations may reveal them to us.”
- Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines
Updated on 27 Sep 2020 by Acheilus


2020-09-25 05:17:05: Acheilus created the card Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines
2020-09-25 17:08:00: Acheilus edited Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines
2020-09-27 16:51:12: Acheilus edited Sheoldred, Mother of the Machines

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