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CardName: Spiteful Rider Cost: {1}{U}{B} Type: Creature - Specter Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: Flying When Spiteful Rider enters the battlefield or deals combat damage to a player, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. Exile that card until Spiteful Rider leaves the battlefield. You may cast up to one card exiled with Spiteful Rider on each of your turns and spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast it. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Pioneer Horizons (PH1) Rare

Spiteful Rider
Creature – Specter

When Spiteful Rider enters the battlefield or deals combat damage to a player, target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. Exile that card until Spiteful Rider leaves the battlefield.

You may cast up to one card exiled with Spiteful Rider on each of your turns and spend mana as though it were mana of any color to cast it.
Illus. Unknown
Updated on 11 Oct 2020 by Aalter

Code: RZ02

History: [-]

2020-07-09 04:19:33: Aalter created the card Spiteful Rider
2020-07-09 04:21:04: Aalter edited Spiteful Rider

Not 100% sure I want the first ability to trigger both on ETB and combat damage. The second ability may need to require paying the cards CMC (spending mana of any color), or to change back to the original ability of "when it leaves the battlefield, opponent loses life" either CMC of the stolen card or lowest CMC in their hand. Thoughts are welcome.

2020-07-09 05:37:49: Aalter edited Spiteful Rider
2020-07-12 19:36:36: Aalter edited Spiteful Rider
2020-10-11 14:25:08: Aalter edited Spiteful Rider

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