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CardName: Blood Star Cost: {2}{R} Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Nonbasic lands lose all land types and abilities, and they gain "{T}: Add one mana of any color." Flavour Text: No longer shall the earth be tortured for the fears of men. Set/Rarity: Pioneer Horizons (PH1) Rare

Blood Star
Nonbasic lands lose all land types and abilities, and they gain "{t}: Add one mana of any color."

No longer shall the earth be tortured for the fears of men.
Illus. Unknown
Updated on 14 Oct 2020 by Aalter

Code: RR01

History: [-]

2020-07-09 04:01:40: Aalter created the card Blood Star
2020-07-09 04:02:38: Aalter edited Blood Star

This is what Blood Sun should have done, in order to have applications outside of shutting off niche utility lands or comboing with Lotus Field. Not 100% on it being all lands vs lands your opponents control, but I like that the upside to this card over others is that it fixes your mana. If Chromatic Lantern can do it, Blood Star can too. Also a nod to the red mana enchantments of old, like Mana Flare.

2020-07-10 00:27:09: Aalter edited Blood Star
2020-07-12 19:32:16: Aalter edited Blood Star
2020-10-14 04:09:18: Aalter edited Blood Star

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